







我们期待的世界 The World We Wish to See ------深圳中加师生代表参加2019圆方国际会议

信息来源:深圳(南山)中加学校 信息提供日期:2019-10-14 【字体: 视力保护色:

这个10月,以“我们期待的世界”(The World We Wish to See)为主题的2019年圆方国际会议在印度举行。10月2日--10月8日,我校学生代表王颢瑾、章润琪、孙铭泽、陈雅嘉、马铱泽五名同学及我校加方副校长Greg Smith和周彦涵老师赴印多尔的The Emerald Heights International School参加了此次圆方会议。
The Round Square International Conference 2019 was held by the Emerald Heights International School under the theme of “The World We Wish to See” from October 2nd to 8th in India.
SCCSC students Wang Haojin, Zhang Runqi, Sun Minze, Chen Yajia, Ma Yize as the representatives took part in the conference with Vice Principal of SCCSC, Mr. Greg Smith and SCCSC teacher, Ms. Sunny Zhou.
During the conference, participants of SCCSC joined with student and teacher delegates from 157 Round Square member schools to contribute to various activities. The theme of RSIC 2019 was well implemented through out the fruitful lectures, group discussions, historical sites exploring as well as cultural communication.   


第一天---初见     Day 1
第一天中午:抵达The Emerald Heights International School,参观美丽的校园后,同学们参加了Barazza小组破冰活动,晚上参加了盛大的欢迎晚宴,我校的学生代表们自发登台表演,燃爆全场。
We arrived at the beautiful campus of the Emerald Heights International School at noon. After a tour in the campus, we were amazed by stepping into the carnival with traditional Indian welcome. The impromptu performance at the carnival made SCCSC students stars of the night.









第二天上午迎来了本次圆方会议的开幕式。2014年诺贝尔和平奖获得者Mr.Kailash Satyarshi进行了“同情与青春”的主题演讲,鼓励青少年用善意对待周围的人和事;接着,国会议员Dr. Shashi Tharoor讲述了印度的变迁,展望了国家的未来。同学们随后分组对主题演讲进行了讨论。同时,老师们参加了圆方总部的报告会。在主题晚宴上,各国代表们融洽地交流,与彼此开始熟络起来。
Day 2
In the opening ceremony, we were overwhelmed to hear the speech from Noble Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi about “Compassion and Youth”. Mr. Shashi Tharror, the second keynote speaker for the day had the audience in splits with his extraordinary gift of speaking. He spoke about how change is the reality of life and how everyone should embrace change. The followed baraza sessions were exciting and informative. The day ended with an evening of cultural bonanza and a lavish spread of cuisines from all parts of India with the theme of Essence of India.









第三天第一个获得公民身份的机器人Sofia与参会者进行了自由对话,对人工智能的发展进行了探讨;接着,哈佛学子Kiran Gandhi进行了一场励志演讲,讲述了自己如何追寻自己的内心坚持音乐的道路。同时,教师代表们分别进行了区域会议,我校的Greg Smith和周彦涵老师进行了经验分享---如何培训圆方会议的学生领袖。

Day 3
The third day began with the free conversation between world’s first humanoid robot and the delegates. Then Madame Gandhi Kiran from Harvard University enhanced the excitement of the audience by sharing her story. In the regional conference, Mr. Greg Smith and Ms. Sunny Zhou shared their perspectives on “Getting Student Leaders Prepared for Round Square Conference”. It was an exhilarating day packed with fun, discussions and excitement.








Day 4 and Day 5
We were taken to Mandu and Maheshwar in these two days, we were astonished by the rich history of the cities through some intriguing stories. Along with this, all of the delegates accomplished the Round Square ideal of service at various locations around the city. From decorating walls to learning sign language and making ladoos with children, it was an experience of a lifetime. SCCSC performances showed the beauty of Chinese traditional cultures which brought an end to the perfect days!


















    第六天清晨五点半,与会代表们在刀锋战士Major D. P. Singh的带领下为癌症病人进行了义跑,紧接着,Mr. Singh向我们讲述了自己的受伤及重拾信心的经历,用自己的故事鼓舞了在场的每一个人。随后,人生导师Swami Gaur Gopal Das分析了成功的三大秘诀。在闭幕式之后,大家相互拥抱告别,并相约2020年澳大利亚圆方国际会议再见。
Day 6
The marathon, cheered on by India’s first blade runner Major D P Singh, was an energetic start to a dazzling day studded with star keynote speakers. All of the delegates donned the red shirts as they ran for cancer along with Major DP Singh. Swami ji’s quintessential humor in his keynote lightened up everyone’s mood. At the closing ceremony,everyone brimmed with tears of joy and said goodbye to each other till RSIC 2020 in Australia.










Chen Yajia:
I learned a lot from the keynotes on different topics every day. I got to know the story behind the success and the hard work, as well as the different background stories about each historical building.
Wang Haojin: I’m very happy that I made good friends with one Japanese girl who gave me a gift bag written my name. I think  people who have been to the Round Square conference were very gentle and kind .
Sun Mingze: A series of speech let me obtain lots of meaningful knowledge and inspire my thinking about a series of popular topics such as artificial intelligence, children rights and so on. The tours and service programmes let me more close to local society and help native people who have varies of
difficulties in their lives.








