








信息来源:深圳(南山)中加学校 信息提供日期:2021-04-23 【字体: 视力保护色:

SCCSC 10th Bullying Awareness Week

Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Sino-Canada (SCCSC)’s  10th Annual Bullying Awareness Week (BAW) took place this year from April 19-23, 2021  The theme was "Where to Seek Help” and the slogan was "Where to Turn."  Our goal is to increase awareness about school bullying and highlight the resources students have for support and assistance (parents, teachers, friends, counselors, their own strengths).




During the lead up to the event, there were activities in all grades - pink shirt design competition, Chinese essay competition (grade 10), Pink Shirt Story writing activity (grade 10), English activities (grade 11),  drama class activities, and bullying prevention media projects (grade 12).  Class meetings were held, as well as classroom board competitions.  Anonymous bullying prevention surveys were given to students and staff.  There was a pink shirt pre-sale to everyone in the school community.


One highlight of the week is the interactive education fair on Tuesday, which included fun activities and booths: students wrote words of support on a heart to another student who might need it; students made a take away item of a glass stone on which they attached a reminder of their support network; students played a game about where they can turn to get support by tying string to their answers; students took photos with a cartoon character wearing the BAW pink t-shirts.  The Bullying Intervention Program student committee members also had an information booth, offering the students the chance to get to know the committee and to play a True and False game by putting a coin in the machine to pick out a prize and a T or F statement.
本周活动的最大亮点要属周二的互动教育集市,它包括多个趣味横生的活动以及摊位。例如,学生可以在心形卡片上写下支持的话语给另一个同学;学生也可以通过制作精美的五彩石来提醒自己有哪些支持网络;学生还可以通过玩在木板上固定五彩线的游戏来探索自己遇到欺凌问题时会如何求助…… 此外,互动教育集市还提供了拍照摊位,大家可以与同样身着粉红衣的小猪佩奇合影留念。欺凌干预项目学生委员会的成员们还准备了信息展位,宣传他们的组织并且利用扭蛋机邀请参与者玩有关欺凌的“对”或“错”游戏。







Other events throughout the week included swag sales, Peer Buddy class for all grade 10 students about cyberbullying, annual pink shirt group photo, movie, and award ceremony.






We really appreciate the support of everyone at SCCSC for BAW this year. The theme of where to seek help involves everyone in the school community.  Students need support and assistance from all stakeholders as they work out how to stay safe and prevent bullying.  When it comes to bullying, we want the whole community to turn towards each other. 个人