


“The New Africa”——中加学子赴肯尼亚参加2023年圆方国际会议

信息来源:深圳(南山)中加学校 信息提供日期:2023-11-07 【字体: 视力保护色:

    今年10月,以“今非昔比的非洲”(The New Africa)为主题的2023年圆方国际会议在肯尼亚的首都内罗毕举行。10月8日--10月14日,深圳(南山)中加学校学生代表苏小恒、杨子鉴、林欣霖、杨城沣四名同学,中加学校加方副校长Meghan Gallant、学生处周彦涵老师赴Brookhouse School参加了此次圆方会议。
    The Round Square International Conference 2023was held by  Brookhouse School under the theme of “The New Africa” from October 8th-14th in Nairobi, Kenya. 
SCCSC student delegates Su Xiaoheng, Yang Zijian, Lin Xinlin, Yang Chengfeng took part in the conference with Canadian Vice Principal of SCCSC, Miss Meghan Gallant and SCCSC teacher, Ms. Sunny Zhou.



    During the conference, participants of SCCSC joined with student and teacher delegates from 162 Round Square member schools to contribute to various activities. The theme of RSIC 2023 was well implemented throughout the fruitful lectures, group discussions, camping as well as cultural communication.    






讲 座 篇
    ——分享人:高三(1)班  杨子鉴






    Mr.Clifford has said that if you want to make a change,the first thing to do is to show up. Mr. Clifford owns his own orphanage and hopes for a change through his target of education for children. He has been running this program for the last 33 years with street families and the homeless. With the children that Mr. Clifford has worked with, he has found many that face drug addictions. Remembering his spirit of humanity and humility, he aids them by giving them a chance at rehabilitation in a rehabilitation centre.
    Mr.Henry said:I might have lost my sight,but not my vision. That sentence shows his deep passion towards his life. Mr.Henry is a disabled person who has lost his sight. However,he didn't abandon the courage to keep his life going on because of his disability. Instead,he started to participate Paralympic Games since 2004,and with his perseverance,he became the world record holder of 5000 and 10000 meters. I learned from his story is that the problem we face in reality cannot be the obstacles of our life,our own attitude decides how far we could achieve.



    ——分享人:高三(6)班  苏小恒






    During the adventure day, we not only saw some animals we didn't normally see and were shocked by the vastness of the African plain and grassland, but also felt the enthusiasm of the Maasai people towards us and witnessed their friendship with students from other countries.



    In our host families’ homes, we felt their love and tolerance and experienced their meticulous care of us.



    ——分享人:高二(4)班 林欣霖






    Hello everyone! On Service Day, we helped poor children in Kenya.
    On the morning of the service project, we drove for a long time, and after arriving at our destination, we started to help the school children. We helped the children repair the classrooms at their school. We carried the soil needed to prepare the necessary building materials to repair the floor, and we also painted the walls. Because Kenya is not as developed as other countries, the houses are dilapidated. A home is very important for everyone, so repairing and decorating their houses can improve their living conditions and enhance their happiness. This trip to Kenya made me deeply realize the importance of helping others. I met a lot of malnourished children at school, they have a big stomach because of malnutrition, I was greatly shocked in my heart. I am grateful to our country for keeping us safe from the scourge of poverty and war.



    ——分享人:高二(9)班  杨城沣



    我们按照分组参与不同的活动,我印象最深的是Democracy day的一个小组讨论。我们讨论了一系列的民主问题,有个来自印度的同学,介绍了自己国家民主的体现方式,当他介绍完,他说据他的了解,他认为中国特别注重民主,所以他非常感兴趣,想知道中国的民主是如何体现的。于是,我向他介绍了社会主义核心价值观和中国式的民主。经过了一番讨论后,我了解了其他国家的民主是怎么样的,也发现一个国家强大起来,真的会有更多的关注,那时,强烈的民族自豪感在我心中油然而生。



    A BARAZZA group is a group where all voices are equal. In Kenya, there were participants from 13 different schools, plus a local student leader. What impressed me most in BARAZA group was that when I attended the BARAZZA group meeting on the first day, everyone was not timid or shy, but more confident and friendly. The free discussion is free of tension caused by strangeness, and the atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant. A group mate from India was very interested in Chinese Democracy, so he asked me a few questions. Then I told him about China's 24 character core social values and our democracy. I felt proud of being a Chinese since our country is getting stronger.



Cultural Evening
    We are the only performance from China on site, so we want to showcase the charm of China through this performance. For another reason, we only practice a traditional model walk show at the beginning . But when we got to the site, we found that the venue was a little bit limiting. So we made a temporary adjustment to our show. And surprisingly, after the temporary adjustment, the performance was very fantastic. All the audience participated. We led the atmosphere of the whole audience and let other countries feel the enthusiasm from China.



Yang Zijian:
    I'm really glad to be able to attend this conference. Not only did I make many friends there, but I also learned how to practice the spirit of adventure, democracy and service. At the same time, this is the first time I feel so deeply international.
Su Xiaoheng:
    In this conference I learned a lot and met a lot of friends from other countries, realized the cultures of different countries, and felt the enthusiasm of friends from Brook house, moved by the enthusiasm and passion of Kenyan people. Again, Brookhouse, we want a party.
Lin Xinlin:
    Unfortunately RSIC 2023 already came to end. I’m so glad to attend this conference. I made so many friends and learn so many things from this conference. Personally I learned many from democracy day. Democracy for me is having everybody’s opinion heard, considered, and respected. Beside through the Barazza I knew more tradition of Kenya and other countries and it also improved my English talent. It is definitely a great experience.
Yang Chengfeng:
    After this conference I have a new understanding of the internationalism.  It means more than just the relationship among countries, it is also a national self-confidence that enthusiastically embraces other cultures.