


聚焦目标 守正笃实,以终为始 向事而生 ——携手推进学校高品质发展

信息来源:深圳(南山)中加学校 信息提供日期:2024-08-28 【字体: 视力保护色:

    未觉夏暑尽,时序已新秋。8月25日至28日,深圳(南山)中加学校召开新学期全体教师大会,为期四天的教育教学专题报告正式拉开帷幕。会议进一步明确了新学期教育教学任务新目标,各年级、各教研组确立落实目标大方法,全体教师将“聚焦目标 守正笃实,以终为始 向事而生”,凝心聚力携手推进学校高品质发展。
    From August 25 to 26, SCCSC held a teacher seminar for the new semester, where the educational and teaching tasks for the new semester were further clarified. Each grade and department established methods to achieve their goals. All teachers will be uniting efforts to promote the high-quality development of the school.




    8月25日,会议由教学处王艮副主任主持,学生处周东凯主任、教学处关宇筠主任分别就上学期工作做出总结,执行校长张金仲作“聚焦目标 守正笃实,以终为始 向事而生”专题讲话,为学校今后整体发展指明方向。
    In August 25, the meeting was hosted by Deputy Director Wang Gen from the Teacher Affairs Office. Director Zhou Dongkai from the SAO and Director Guan Yujun from the TAO summarized the previous semester's work.Principal Zhang Jinzhong shared a special presentation themed "Focus on Goals, Uphold Integrity and Practicality, Start with the End in Mind, and Act Purposefully." 




    Director Zhou Dongkai mainly summarized the moral education work of the school from aspects such as class atmosphere, student activities, routine management, and student leadership cultivation. 



    Director Guan Yujun summarized the teaching and research work of the previous semester from aspects such as performance display, three-level teaching research, and teaching routines.



    执行校长张金仲在进行专题讲话时指出,面对教育新形势,教师需要更加注重调动与激发学生的学习自主性,学校需做强“班级-年级”集成体,教学要追求“懂(课堂),会,对(课后作业),熟(训练), 巧,通(练习+反思)”六境界。并再次强调中加学校的终极目标是培养“身心强健、正气浩然、阳光豁达、乐学好问、具有中国情怀国际视野的未来领导者”。
    During the thematic sharing, Principal Zhang Jinzhong pointed out that in the face of new educational trends, teachers need to pay more attention to motivating and inspiring students' autonomy in learning and cultivating their self-learning abilities. The school needs to strengthen the integration of "class-level" systems, and teaching should pursue the six realms of "understanding (classroom), ability (homework), familiarity (training), skill mastering, and comprehensiveness (practice + reflection)." He emphasized that the ultimate goal of SCCSC is to cultivate "future leaders who are physically and mentally strong, have a strong sense of justice, are optimistic and open-minded, love learning and good at asking questions, and possess a Chinese spirit with an international perspective."



    In August26, the meeting was hosted by Deputy Director Hu Yinghua from the Student Affairs Office. Director Zhou Dongkai from the SAO and Director Guan Yujun from the TAO planned for the new academic year.Vice Principal Leng Jing provided guidance on educational and teaching strategies for the new academic year.



    In planning for the new semester's moral education work, he emphasized that the Student Affairs Office will further "clarify job responsibilities and improve routine systems," ensuring "everyone understands their responsibilities." He encouraged active, creative, and enthusiastic work, continuously promoting home-school cooperation, strengthening the cultivation of student leaders, closely monitoring students' mental health, and innovating in the processes, links, and formats of large student activities.



    In planning for the new semester, she pointed out that teaching and research should follow the three major steps of "setting goals, tracking implementation, and achieving results," and establish an integrated teaching system of "teaching, learning (practice), evaluation, and guidance," along with specific teaching goals for each subject.



    冷晶副校长深根学校学情及教育发展新趋势,为全校教师作了《夯实教研 扎稳常规 精耕细作 高品质发展》的主题分享,她指出新学期各学科需继续实践学习型课堂的课堂讲解,并要针对不同课型形成模板,课堂常规及教学常规需持续扎稳。
    Vice Principal Leng Jing, based on the school's situation and new trends in educational development, delivered a thematic presentation titled "Consolidate Teaching Research, Stabilize Routines, and Cultivate High-Quality Development." She pointed out that in the new semester, each subject needs to continue practicing the learning-oriented classroom explanations, and each subject should develop templates for different lesson categories. Classroom routines and teaching routines must be continuously stabilized.



    The road ahead is long, but progress will be made. By continuing to move forward without pause, a promising future is in sight. This two-day seminar for all teachers has clarified the work ideas for everyone at SCCSC and pointed out the direction for our efforts. In the new semester, all members of SCCSC will surely invest ourselves with full enthusiasm into educational and teaching work, ensuring the growth and success of SCCSC students