


聚焦目标 守正笃实,以终为始 向事而生 ——携手推进学校高品质发展

信息来源:深圳(南山)中加学校 信息提供日期:2024-08-29 【字体: 视力保护色:

    On August 27, 2024, Deputy Director of SAO Hu Yinghua presided over the meeting where the three grade leaders presented their reports from five aspects: job responsibilities, the semester's work goals, specific tasks for this semester, work quality evaluation criteria, and innovative initiatives.



    Yu Wei, the head of grade 10, stated that this semester's work goals encompass maintaining stability, controlling attrition, and consolidating the foundation in three areas, with a focus on academic atmosphere, cultural and sports activities, and psychological health. Yu proposed innovative concepts such as a "senior student mentorship system" and "parent-child reading and growth together." 



    Bi Quansong, the head of grade 11, outlined the work goals for this semester, which include emphasizing education and teaching, reinforcing subject foundations, nurturing student growth, and organizing student participation in various school group activities and competitions in four major areas, while continuing to foster a learning-oriented environment.



    Xue Shoubin, the head of grade 12, reported that the work goals for this semester involve fulfilling the quantitative requirements for IELTS scores, achieving 100% academic proficiency, and ensuring smooth progress in university applications. Additionally, Xue is organizing the sports meeting and cultural and arts festival activities for the semester, as well as holding separate grade student meetings for the AP classes and DSE classes.



    On August 28, 2024, Deputy Director Wang Gen led the meeting where the heads of the six teaching Departments reported on five aspects: job responsibilities, the semester's work goals, specific tasks for this semester, work quality evaluation criteria, and innovative initiatives.



    Zhu Wei, the head of the Chinese language teaching Dept, expressed understanding of the school's work ethos, built a new type of class "based on problem-oriented language expression," and exemplified unity, creating a wolf-style team to conduct in-depth teaching and research. Zhu aims to ensure 100% qualification for the DSE class and 100% qualification for the senior high school exams in Chinese for AP class.



    Ni Lei, the head of the mathematics teaching Dept, set the work goals for the semester, which include winning 300 mathematics competitions, ensuring all students pass academic exams, focusing on AP teaching, and aiming to cultivate at least two 5* scores in four aspects of DSE teaching. Ni also aims to stabilize and improve statistical outcomes and accumulate effective DSE teaching experience.



    Li Qiong, the head of the English teaching Dept, stated that the work goals for this semester are primarily to strengthen the foundation, boost interest, and effectively promote IELTS learning in the first year. In the second year, the goal is to complete the IELTS exam and achieve a passing rate, while in the third year, the focus is on breaking through IELTS score rates and ensuring all students pass academic exams.



    Zhao Yandan, the head of the political history and geography teaching Dept, emphasized the need to create an environment where teachers can grow, showcase their abilities, and feel their value, ensuring that the results meet the standards with an excellent rate of 60% for AP micro and 50% for AP macro. The passing rate for academic exams should be 98%, with more than 75% of DSE scores exceeding 3 points.



    Guo He, the head of the science teaching Dept, set the work goals for the semester to include 100% passing of basic teaching, all DSE teaching scores above 3 points, AP teaching results reaching the global excellent rate, winning 150 competitions, and ensuring students are proficient and compliant in experimental operations. Guo also aims to explore new fields, initiate new activities, create new models, and develop new ideas.



    Liu Qiguang, the head of the music, sports, and art teaching Dept, reported that the work goals for the semester include developing students' physical fitness, cultivating special skills, ensuring a 100% passing rate for physical education, music, and art academic exams, elevating art and sports activities and competitions to new heights, and organizing school and external sports meetings and various cultural and sports competitions, while ensuring the enjoyment and participation in these activities.



    In conclusion, Vice Principal Leng Jing summarized the meeting, affirming the precision and clarity of the team-leaders' reports and reminding all teachers to excel in their personal education and teaching plans and subject teaching progress, to strengthen teaching and research, to welcome the first week of school, and to teach the first class of the school term well.



    We believe that if a person has ambition, everything can be done. New semester, new journey, do not forget the original intention, do not fail to trust, do not disgrace the mission, not afraid of the future!